Thursday, July 23, 2015
I am alive. I am shining proudly. I engulf the entire vicinity with ease after being hidden away for years. They look at me distressed; as
they should. My beauty is to be feared.
There's still a little boy named Alex. His parents
watch it unfolds in hopelessness. They're crying and wailing their hearts out, showcasing
their anger and sadness towards the world, fearing for their son's life.
Pessimist Alex would say they're more concerned about themselves.
Little did his parents know I was the fire in Alex they themselves tried to
He had so much passion in the arts. He would draw everywhere he could; from the walls to the pages of his Mathematics textbook. He would
sing and dance in his room with blaring music in the background. He knows he's not supposed to. He was raised by his parents not as a son— in fact
not even as a daughter. He was raised as a racehorse- to ultimately win the gold
medal. He got bronze.
Now, I am set free.
They weren't sure how the fire started. But only now did his parents realise that their one and only flame- the one which used to light up
their day with nothing but a smile has disappeared. Forever. Though one could
argue he lost that smile because of them years ago.