Growing Up

Friday, July 10, 2015

submitted by SARAH;

When I was younger, I couldn't wait to grow up. Back then;

Growing up is to stay up past midnight.
Growing up is to not cover your eyes during certain scenes in a movie.
Growing up is to be able to reach the top shelf,
Growing up is to be able to handle your own money,
Growing up is to know everything,
Growing up means that no one can say no to you.
Growing up is to be in control of your own life.

But now I know that;

To grow up is to learn that not every smile is genuine.
To grow up is to learn that not all friends stay together.
To grow up is to realise that adults don't have all the answers.
To grow up is to always put others' needs before yours.
To grow up is to force yourself out of bed everyday when all you want to do is sleep.
To grow up is to realise that admitting defeat is sometimes easier.
To grow up is to acknowledge that the world is not so magical after all.

Why did I want to grow up so badly?