Why Do Problems Still Exist
Saturday, June 06, 2015
submitted by JEEVANRAJ SUNTHER from 4BIJAK;
So there I was, staring blankly at the wall of my bedroom on a self-declared-over-excessively-timed study break, silently contemplating on the mysteries of the Universe when a thought struck me. If we, the human race have so many brilliant ideas at our fingertips, why do problems still exist? Why do conflicts arise every now and then? That was when a shocking realization came to mind. The reason was petrifyingly simple… we simply do not care.
That is the cold, hard truth about this dire situation. Our mindset is at the epicentre of this problem. It is always happening to a different country, a different race or another person. But as long as it does not concern us, many are simply not going to waste their time or energy on it. And THAT is the problem right there. We need to scrap this mindset for the benefit of the human race.
The famous Irish playwright, George Bernard Shaw once uttered these words of wisdom— “I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the community,and as long as I live, it is my pleasure to do for it whatever I can.” Some of the world’s greatest people have been individuals who dedicate their entire lives for the community and the people around them. They struggle not for the benefit of themselves but for the benefit of others. This attitude right here is the answer to all the gaping problems in the world right now.
Or what about the countless rape cases that takes place in India every single day? The infamous and heinous rape case of ‘India’s Daughter’ (Jyoti Singh) and the mammoth street protests that followed was what it took for the Indian government to finally tackle this long-standing problem. A brutal attack on a bright medical student who had just finished her exams and was out celebrating was what it took for them to finally care.
Another glaring example can be seen from the financial crisis of 2008 that swept through the US like wildfire, causing global markets to crash. From Singapore to Mexico, the United Kingdom to China; people lost jobs and entire life savings thanks to the excessive borrowing practices and various Ponzi schemes that took place on Wall Street. A risky derivative system was put in place, people’s savings were being tossed around like they were nothing, deregulation was pursued— and authorized— despite countless warnings and execs of the big banks such as Merill Lynch and JP Morgan raked in billions. Then, just like that, the inevitable happened. The bubble burst and with it, the global economy crumbled. This whole fiasco manifested from greedy individuals on Wall Street and in the US government. This whole fiasco was caused by them not caring.
The list goes on. The European migrant crisis, natural disasters that occur thanks to climate change such as Hurricane Sandy, poverty, world hunger. All of these stem from us not caring. Such is the nature of human beings that more often that not, we are obsessed with OUR issues, OUR problems. We overcomplicate the very simplest of things. And for what? Does it help better our world? Our inner world maybe, but is that the right thing to do? Absolutely not. We need to focus on the BIGGER PICTURE here. Just a little bit of care and love can indeed go one heck of a long way. Many of us are fortunate. We do not have to worry about the next meal on the table or whether we’ll be alive tomorrow but the reality is this— there are people around the world still living in these conditions thanks to conflicts and the crime that is the act of not caring for these people. That is exactly how we should view it as— a crime.