SHOUT: What is Interact Club?
AMMAR: Interact Club is a club that helps those in need. Commonly, the general view of Interact Club is that we are a club that holds a charity event once a year but there is more to that. We don’t make charity events just for fun, we do it because we get to give people second chances. People who really need it the most.
SHOUT: What inspired you both to join Interact Club in the first place?
ALYAA: What inspired me to join the club was the former president of the club, back in 2012 which was Liya Luqman. She approached me, just as she did with other people to get more members, and something about her spirit and vision for this club was what attracted me to join.
AMMAR: The 2013 International Understanding Day was what inspired me to join. Frankly, I've never heard of the club before IU Day but I was a bit naïve because when I joined, I was expecting fun events happening every time. But the real cause of the club to make the world a better place was the reason I'm still in the club today.
SHOUT: What would be Interact’s best achievement?
AMMAR: I think we both can agree that Interact’s best achievement was last year’s IU Day where we managed to raise RM17,000 in charity for the families in Palestine. Honestly, every Interactor was so surprised.
SHOUT: Every club in this school often receive positive and negative comments, so for Interact Club, when you receive negative comments, what would the two of you and your other board of directors do or say to the Interactors in order to cheer them up?
ALYAA: For me, I would give them a talk. I would tell them to not listen to those comments and to always look at the big picture. I will remind them the cause of Interact Club, like the important thing is the people not us.
AMMAR: Yeah, I would agree with Alyaa. I would also remind them to think positively, like at the end of the day what matters the most is that we get to make others smile.
SHOUT: What would you both intend to achieve this year for the club?
ALYAA: To maintain the club and to raise more money than we did last year on IU Day.
AMMAR: This might be a bit sensitive to mention but I really hope that we can clear our status as the “Controversial Club” in school and show our good side.
SHOUT: Speaking of IU Day, what is Interact Club raising money for this year?
ALYAA: For this year, we are donating money to homeless people in Malaysia. We realized that we've been donating to other countries, which is a good thing, but we thought that it'd be nice to do something for our country, for our people.
SHOUT: This one is mostly for Ammar, because Alyaa would have already graduated school by next year. Ammar, what would do or say to encourage students to join the club next year?
AMMAR: I would encourage them by saying that if they've been wanting to help people but never have gotten the chance to do so, then Interact Club would be the perfect club and that it would also be the perfect club to find friends. Friends who are so kind and humble, that will also help each other when one is in need.
SHOUT: So a certain someone— wink wink, Mr Francis; has stated that Interact Club is the most active club in this school, would you both agree?
ALYAA: Honestly I don't because I know that there are clubs that are more active than us. For example, the Chinese Language Society. Every month, representatives from that club will go around classes, sending newspapers for those who have ordered. Not to mention the activities that they hold every year, like the Mid-Autumn Festival and sometimes field trips. They are always up on their game and I really admire that.
SHOUT: On a lighter note, what are your favourite memories while being in the club?
AMMAR: For me, my favourite memory is being in Interact Camp. I got to meet a lot of wonderful and friendly people. It did not take a long time for us to connect very quickly, it was such an honour to meet them.
ALYAA: Last year, the board of directors invited me to watch Transformers 3 with children from the orphanage. They looked so happy and excited because I think not many of them get the chance to go to a cinema but it was very heart warming. Seeing the faces of those children really made my day. They were smiling from their ears and laughing. They were in so much joy.
SHOUT: Before we end it, what would the both of you miss about the club once you leave school?
ALYAA: Definitely the Interactors, their commitment and their sacrifices for the club is really what keeps me going.